Mission Service Dinner includes GBGM staff and itinerating

Jul 16, 2021
Category 7

Welcome to Praise Chapel, your destination for faith, fellowship, and community service. Join us for an unforgettable evening of positive impact and spiritual connection at our upcoming Mission Service Dinner. This special event brings together GBGM staff and itinerating missionaries who are spreading hope and love throughout the world.

Fellowship and Connection with GBGM Staff

One of the highlights of the Mission Service Dinner is the opportunity to meet and connect with GBGM staff. The General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) plays a vital role in supporting mission work around the globe. By engaging in meaningful conversations with these dedicated individuals, you'll gain valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs they encounter while serving others.

Inspiring Itinerating Missionaries

Our Mission Service Dinner is also a chance to hear captivating stories from itinerating missionaries. These remarkable individuals have dedicated themselves to answering the call of service and are actively making a difference in communities worldwide. Through their inspiring accounts, you will learn about the diverse cultures they encounter, the transformational projects they undertake, and the lives they touch through faith and compassion.

An Evening of Faith and Belief

At Praise Chapel, we recognize the power of faith to bring about meaningful change. The Mission Service Dinner is a perfect opportunity to align your beliefs with action. Join us as we emphasize the significance of faith in our lives and explore how it shapes our decisions, relationships, and service to humanity.

Community Impact through Service

Our commitment to service extends beyond the walls of our church. Through the Mission Service Dinner, we aim to strengthen our ties with the local community while embracing the global perspective. Engage in discussions, share ideas, and participate in activities that empower both individuals and communities to thrive.

Event Details

The Mission Service Dinner will be held on [insert date] at [insert location]. Come prepared for an evening of fellowship, inspiration, and delicious food. Our dedicated team has thoughtfully curated a menu that celebrates diverse flavors and culinary traditions from around the world.

Secure your spot by RSVPing today! We have limited availability, so act fast to ensure you don't miss out on this unique opportunity for spiritual growth and community engagement.

Join Us at Praise Chapel

Whether you're a regular attendee or exploring a new spiritual path, Praise Chapel welcomes you with open arms. Our vibrant community is built on foundations of love, inclusivity, and service. Through events like the Mission Service Dinner, we strive to create an environment where each person's unique journey is respected and celebrated.

Visit our website to learn more about Praise Chapel, our values, and our various programs and activities. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events, guest speakers, and opportunities to serve.

We look forward to seeing you at the Mission Service Dinner and continuing our collective mission of making a positive impact in the world. Let us come together, strengthen our faith, and create lasting connections that transcend borders and boundaries.

Alain Hofer
Looks like an amazing event that brings together GBGM staff and itinerating missionaries. Can't wait to experience the positive impact and spiritual connection at the Mission Service Dinner! 🌍💫
Nov 11, 2023
Annette Lares
I've heard amazing stories about the work of itinerating missionaries. Can't wait to hear more at the dinner!
Nov 6, 2023
Madeline Conway
The Mission Service Dinner is a testament to the power of faith and community service. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be involved.
Sep 12, 2023
Emmett Risdon
Count me in for the Mission Service Dinner! It's an honor to support the important work of missionaries.
Aug 2, 2023
Amarante Jaramillo
Looking forward to attending the Mission Service Dinner and connecting with the GBGM staff and itinerating missionaries! 🙏
Apr 15, 2023
Hugh Jackson
I'm thrilled to be a part of this special dinner that brings together individuals dedicated to positive impact and spiritual connection.
Aug 31, 2022
Rebecca Gitzen
It's amazing to see the impact of faith-based missions. Can't wait to join in and contribute.
Aug 17, 2022
David Paterno
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to learn from and support those who are doing important work around the world.
Feb 21, 2022
Stephen McCullers
I admire the commitment of GBGM staff and itinerating missionaries. This dinner is a great way to show our appreciation.
Dec 12, 2021
Mark Armistead
Supporting missions has always been close to my heart. Looking forward to the Mission Service Dinner.
Nov 30, 2021
Belle Rape
I've always been inspired by the dedication of missionaries. Excited to be a part of this event!
Aug 26, 2021